Healing Anxious Attachment



"One of the best investments I’ve made in myself."

I had so many major personal revelations in Healing Anxious Attachment. Each module led me to a deeper understanding of my wounds, my beliefs, my old stories, and my truths. I unpacked years of emotional pile up, and I believe it is planting the seeds for a transformational season in my life.



“Absolutely sign up for this course.”

Since taking the course, I’ve been able to let the small things go much more easily and not make everything an issue. My partner and I had a big fight and for the first time, I felt that if we did break up, I would be okay. I had never previously experienced that sense of self, and being able to hold myself together in a difficult emotional period, rather than falling to pieces.


How many can you tick off?

  • Your sense of worth is tied to your relationship. When things are good with your partner, life feels manageable. But when there’s tension, everything seems to crumble.

  • Separation fills you with anxiety, and you fear the worst if you can't reach your partner. Physical closeness is your comfort zone, and distance—or even a delayed text—can send you spiraling.

  • You doubt your partner’s love and struggle to believe you're truly valued. Low self-worth makes it hard to feel secure, no matter how much love your partner shows you.

  • Jealousy and comparison are constant battles. You often feel threatened by your partner’s friends or exes, constantly comparing yourself to them.

  • You have a hard time setting and maintaining boundaries. Whether it's knowing your needs, expressing them, or sticking to them, it all feels daunting.

  • Break-ups feel like the end of the world. Even when you know a relationship isn’t right, the thought of ending it feels unbearable.

  • You find yourself quickly attached to new people. In dating, you often get attached too quickly, before truly knowing the person.

  • Healthy, consistent partners often feel “boring” to you. Despite craving stability, you’re more drawn to relationships filled with drama and inconsistency.


If you’re reading this, you probably know all too well how draining it can be. The constant worrying, overanalysing, playing detective, strategising, and monitoring is more than just tiring—it’s a huge drain on your time and energy.

And despite your best efforts, the constant stress and fear keep you from the fulfilling relationship you deeply desire.

I know how overwhelming it can be when you feel like you’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to shift the needle. It’s like you’ve been frantically spinning your wheels behind the scenes for as long as you can remember, and you’ve got very little to show for it.

If you’re like most of my past students and clients, you need some help bridging the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. With practical tools that turn all that information into real, tangible changes in your life and relationships.

If that’s you—then Healing Anxious Attachment is the roadmap you’ve been searching for. It’s designed to not just help you understand your relationship patterns, but to give you the tools to truly transform them.

Are you ready to rewrite your relationship story?

Healing Anxious Attachment



“I would say it’s worth the price 5 times over. The amount of therapy in this course is worth much more than what I paid. And I’m grateful it was so accessible to me.”


"If you do the work, this course can change your life. I know that through taking Healing Anxious Attachment I am moving into a secure person. Do it, break the cycle!”


“This has been a life-changing experience. I believe I would be divorced right now if it weren't for this course. I cannot express enough how meaningful it has been for me.”

Imagine if you could:

  • Uncover the core wounds fueling your anxious attachment patterns. Gain deep insight into the underlying issues that drive your thoughts and behaviours in relationships.

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system and self-soothe with confidence. Master techniques that help you calm your inner anxiety, so you can respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.

  • Identify and reprogram harmful subconscious beliefs. Begin to rewrite the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from experiencing secure and fulfilling relationships.

  • Navigate different attachment styles, including anxious-avoidant dynamics. Understand how other attachment styles work and learn strategies to manage and thrive in these relationships.

  • Master healthy communication skills for resolving conflicts. Approach disagreements with calmness and clarity, ensuring that your conversations lead to understanding, not further disconnect.

  • Express your needs, boundaries, and expectations with confidence. Feel empowered to articulate what you need in a relationship, without fear of rejection or abandonment.

  • Develop deep self-trust and emotional resilience. Build a strong foundation of self-assurance, allowing you to handle the ups and downs of relationships with grace and stability.

Start your journey to secure relationships today!

  • 1. Introduction to Attachment

    • Introduction to attachment theory

    • What is anxious attachment?

    • Secure, dismissive-avoidant & fearful avoidant

    • Core concepts in somatic healing

  • 2. Exploring Our Origins

    • Exploring the family system 

    • Origin wounds & how they impact us

    • Connecting with our different parts

    • Becoming your own secure attachment figure

  • 3. The Role of the Nervous System

    • The role of the nervous system in your emotional experience

    • Learning to self-soothe & self-regulate when triggered

    • Building your nervous system toolkit

  • 4. Understanding Your Core Wounds

    • Abandonment, rejection & unworthiness

    • How core wounds drive protective strategies and unhealthy behaviours

    • Reprogramming negative core beliefs

  • 5. Identifying Needs & Boundaries

    • Identifying needs & expectations

    • How to set healthy boundaries

    • Tools for healthier communication

    • Mindset work around “neediness”

  • 6. Anxious Attachment & Dating

    • Common dating pitfalls for anxiously attached people

    • Managing expectations & anxiety

    • Dating from self-worth

  • 7. Building Healthy Relationships

    • Understanding & managing your triggers in relationship

    • Navigating anxious-avoidant dynamics

    • Understanding avoidant partners

    • Secure relationship skills

  • 8. Secure Sexuality

    • How anxious attachment impacts your sexual experience

    • Common attachment-driven sexual dynamics

    • Building a secure sexuality

  • BONUS: Partner Support

    • Anxious attachment 101 for partners

    • Common triggers for anxious partners

    • How your partner can support you in your healing

    • Tools for healthy relationships


"This course should be required of all adults (and certainly of anyone in a relationship)!"

It has been beautiful to witness and experience my newfound ability to down-regulate when my nervous system gets triggered, which allows me to think about how my reactions/thought patterns are 99% likely due to my anxious attachment and not something wrong with my partner. Then I am able to process and react CALMLY.



“The best thing I have ever done you just must do this course.“

There is nothing more liberating than understanding yourself, your nervous system and how to work with it without shame, embarrassment and fear. It is the best thing I have ever done in terms of growing my self-awareness and confidence in how to proceed in a relationship from here on. I literally feel unstoppable now. I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart. No other words but gratitude can come out of my deepest soul at this moment.


Your path to secure relationships starts here.

Join me & the 2000+ students who have already overcome their fears, repatterned old behaviours and learned a more secure way of being with Healing Anxious Attachment.

A little about me

I’m a certified relationship coach living a (mostly!) quiet life with my little family on the NSW South Coast, Australia. You might know me from Instagram (@stephanie__rigg) or my top-ranking podcast On Attachment. Since making a career pivot from corporate law to relationship coaching, I’ve trained in an array of methodologies and theoretical frameworks that, together with my own experience, currently inform my approach. (You can read more about that here).

Anxious attachment is at the heart of what I do. It's the #1 thing that people seek my support with, and I've helped over 4,000 people through my private coaching and online programs.

But more than that: anxious attachment is also my lived experience. So when you ask how it is that I can describe what you’re thinking and feeling with such vivid detail… it’s because I have walked in your shoes and I know exactly how it feels.

And I also know first-hand that healing is possible.

Since its first launch in March 2022, Healing Anxious Attachment has helped over 2,000 people from 30+ countries, ranging from 20 to 70 years old.

Simply put, this program changes lives.

And I can’t wait for YOU to experience the magic of Healing Anxious Attachment.

What Our Students Are Saying


"In the last 6 weeks I've made many breakthroughs that I wasn't able to in 6 years of therapy."

Words are not enough to describe this course. I finally understand myself and know that I am not crazy for feeling like this. I will be forever grateful and will continue to work at this with all the tools I learned.


"This is life changing - I am just so stoked to be on this journey."

I now know and understand that there is a reasonable explanation for my experiences (and that I am not alone in them). That in itself is so powerful and what I have sought my whole life.


"I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who resonates with the anxious attachment style.”

I feel like I am no longer at the mercy of my anxiety spirals that occur when I am triggered. Rather, I can now see I have options at my disposal and do not need to fall into old habits and further trigger my partner in the process. Thank you so much Stephanie for your expertise and guidance. I have honestly learnt so much about myself and my partner during this learning and am glad I prioritised doing this work.


"I have more control over my emotions than I ever thought possible."

Thank you so much! I'm even able to sleep better now since starting your program. I've felt so desperate at times and now I have hope.


“This course has helped me tremendously.”

I would encourage anyone who has an anxious attachment style to do this course. There is a lot of information available out there on attachment theory, but I had not found anything about how to deal with it until Healing Anxious Attachment. I spent 10x the amount of money on a counselor and got nowhere. This course has helped me tremendously.


“As I have began to be there for myself in small ways every day, so many of the anxious thoughts I dealt with before have fallen away or have been diminished significantly.”

For me, the continued work around self worth has shown me how so many things start to heal and others drop away when we begin to develop our sense of self worth. I don’t think people realize how much of this anxious attachment puzzle has to do with our sense of self worth. I’ve been amazed.


“This course has truly changed my life for the better.”

Even outside of relationships, it has helped me immensely when dealing with anxiety. I now have a little 'resource toolkit' of things to do when I'm starting to get worked up, and while I can't fully prevent my anxiety from happening, I now have the tools and confidence to calm myself down.


“I’ve become braver talking about how I feel, and really conscious of how and when I communicate.”

I have felt more grounded in saying what's important to me without blame or hurt. My learning around boundaries as an act of self-responsibility has also been really boosted by the way that Stephanie explains them.

Ready to experience these results for yourself?

Join today and start your transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As soon as you sign up! You’ll get access to the first module as soon as you’ve made your purchase. Each subsequent module will be released weekly thereafter.

  • The modules consist of pre-recorded videos and workbooks that are released weekly (starting on your sign-up date) for you to work through in your own time.

    There are also 4 live group Q&A calls with Steph over the 8 weeks of the program. These are an opportunity for you to connect live and ask questions about the course or any other challenges. All calls are recorded for those who can't join live.

  • Absolutely! I’ve had students from over 30 countries participate in Healing Anxious Attachment.

  • I would encourage you to set aside approximately 2 hours per week to work through each module. But at the end of the day, the course is self-study — so you can take it slower if life gets busy.

  • For as long as the course exists and I’m running this business (which hopefully is many years to come!). You’ll also get access to any future updates of the materials.

  • Not at all - the point of doing this work is first and foremost, to rebuild your relationship with yourself. Those changes will ripple out into your life whether you’re single or in a relationship, or somewhere in between. Many of the examples and topics discussed obviously centre around relationships given the nature of the subject, but always with a view to cultivating greater self-awareness and self-mastery.

  • I’ve had a number of past students who identify more as fearful avoidant (or disorganised) rather than strictly anxious in their attachment style. (I’ve even had dismissive avoidant folks take the course to better understand their partners!).

    The best and most honest guidance I can give here is that if my work on anxious attachment resonates with your experience, then you’ll get a lot out of this course. You might not relate to every single example if you lean more avoidant at times, but most (if not all) of the tools and strategies we cover are the same building blocks for secure attachment that I’d teach in any attachment course.

  • Most of the examples in the course presuppose a monogamous relationship structure as that is what is relevant for the vast majority of people I work with and teach (and that is also my personal experience).

    That being said, much of what I teach in the program could absolutely be applied to ENM/Poly and other relationship structures, as most of the core tools and processes are about becoming more secure within ourselves first and foremost.

When you join Healing Anxious Attachment, you get:

  • Lifetime access to 8 transformative video modules
    Learn the essential tools and insights that will guide you toward secure, fulfilling relationships.

  • Comprehensive workbooks, notes, & journal prompts
    Deepen your understanding and solidify your learning with interactive exercises and reflective prompts.

  • Powerful guided meditations & audio practices
    Experience deep emotional healing and personal transformation through guided meditations.

  • Convenient private podcast feed
    Stay connected and engaged with the course content on-the-go, making learning easy and accessible.

  • Additional curated resources for further growth
    Expand your knowledge with a curated list of additional readings and resources tailored to your journey.

Plus these exclusive bonuses:

  • Building Trust Masterclass
    Develop the skills and confidence to create trust-filled relationships that stand the test of time.

  • 4 live group coaching calls with Steph
    Receive direct support and guidance to overcome your challenges and accelerate your progress.

  • Supportive online community
    Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals for real-time support, accountability, and connection.

Still have doubts?


"Honestly, non-stop ah-ha moments."

Learning how to self regulate when triggered & understanding that whole experience and what steps need to be taken is so grounding & helpful. I also found writing down all of my non-negotiables, deal-breakers & needs for a relationship so nice.


"I believe in myself and love myself so much more than I ever have.”

Taking your program has been so amazing, and I’m *so* grateful that I discovered you, Stephanie. I can’t thank you enough. I’m crying as I type this. I just wish I had known and understood all that you have taught me many years ago. My life would have been so very different.


“My biggest breakthrough is realising that it's okay to be anxiously attached.”

I now know that I'm not flawed and it's a work in progress. I am and always have been just trying to keep myself safe and I'm ready now to start navigating a healthier secure relationship pattern.


“I was changed from that moment on.”

The meditation on getting in touch with my inner child was profound. Years of therapy and I have never really "understood" or could "see" her until that meditation. Tears poured out of my eyes and I didn’t even realize it was happening. I was changed from that moment on.


“I have so much more confidence in myself to make better decisions now."

The course has been absolutely amazing in helping me to recognise my behaviour patterns in relationships and what I can do to change the outcomes for what I want and deserve in my life moving forward.


“This is one of the best investments I’ve made in myself."

I had so many major personal revelations in Healing Anxious Attachment. Each module led me to a deeper understanding of my wounds, my beliefs, my old stories, and my truths. I unpacked years of emotional pile up, and I believe it is planting the seeds for a transformational season in my life.

Join today and start your transformation.

You deserve to experience the love and security you've always wanted.

With Healing Anxious Attachment, you’ll gain:

  • Confidence, security, and trust in your relationships
    Feel at ease, knowing you’re worthy of love and capable of maintaining a stable, fulfilling partnership.

  • Unshakable self-trust
    Stop second-guessing and start making decisions that honour your needs and values.

  • Healing from the fear of abandonment
    Release the grip of anxiety and step into relationships with a renewed sense of safety and assurance.

  • Mastery of healthy, assertive boundaries
    Communicate your needs clearly and confidently, without fear of rejection or conflict.

  • Freedom from self-sabotage
    Break the cycles that have been holding you back and step into a more secure, empowered version of yourself.


“You’ve changed my life and I can’t thank you enough.”


“Don’t miss this golden opportunity for healing. It’s so important.”


“This course will help me for the rest of my life.

Join the waitlist

Registration for Healing Anxious Attachment is currently closed.

The next round is expected to run in late 2024, so pop your details below if you want to save your spot and secure exclusive discounted pricing.

Struggling with anxious attachment isn’t your fault

and it doesn’t have to be your future.